It was another nice turnout of volunteers today. To the left is Dick W. continuing his painting of the deer cutouts. He has been in almost daily over the last couple weeks to work on this project or help outside as needed. Dr. Gredler has moved on to painting obelisks a dark lavender after finishing his orange ones. Doc was here all day as were Urban and Rose who completed two of the three pyramids and should finish that up by Monday. My younger daughter came in to wor
k with me this afternoon and worked with Rose on some obelisk painting too. Maury was in for the second and last coat of green on the pipe planters. He also ran some errands for me. To the right are some of the many hand tools that we'll continue to clean-up and sharpen over the winter months. Little Jerry and Del had already done much of that work but with recent work out in the gardens, we'll make sure all the tools are serviceable and ready to go for spring. Marv and Bill O. were in to work on a project together and we also saw Mary W., Bob T. and some others too. LP Tree Service was in to do some work for
us today and I'm always impressed at how efficient they are with any project they tackle. True professionals. To the left are the labels Marianne will be using as we coordinate the seeds. These labels have been very handy for sorting seeds by collection. For instance, any flat of flowers that comes back in spring from the grower with a blue label will be grouped with "like labeled" flats and ultimately is part of the same collection and/or will go in the same area. These labels are also used for pricing in our spring and fall plant sales as the colors will correspond to a standard cost. We collect the labels for re-use as we process plant sale purchases. Marianne has stream-lined this whole process. I just ordered another 10,000 of these labels to augment our diminishing supply.

I spent the morning finalizing some seed orders and also developed some details and guidelines for our imminent 2012 Photography Contest (for amateurs). Details will be on the website very shortly. Essentially, participants can submit up to three high resolution photos (taken at RBG) that will be considered for our 2013 RBG calendar. We'll have 12 "winners" for the month shots (and cover) and 12 "honorable mentions" that will be smaller inset photos in the calendar. We're finalizing details and I appreciate the efforts of our committee for this contest (Lisa, Tina, Bill, Kris and Sue). Below are some the offerings for the spring plant sale. Directly below is holy basil (Ocimum sanctum) and at the bottom is the 'Mariachi' hybrid pepper (Capsicum) which is great for a container and these peppers have a bit of spice/heat to them as well. The bottom photo is courtesy of All-America Selections (AAS). 

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