Coggin mentioned that her husband has been involved with the control of common reed (Phragmites australis) in that area. The two photos I include here are from the internet and show the winter coloration (above) and summer blooms (below) of this vigorous grass. I've always noted Phragmites along roadsides and was aware of its invasive potential, particularly in wetland or damp situations. This plant is found worldwide and there is some debate as to variability of this species and when it was introduced. Research has shown that common reed (Phragmites australis subsp. americanus) may have existed prior to colonization (actually native to the Eastern U.S.) but is much less vigorous than the introduced reed which is what I observed from Door County all the way back home to Janesville. This plant can and will displace other plants and is extremely vigorous as it spreads primarily by rhizomes. There have been many uses of this plant by many cultures and I can't dispute that it looks neat waving in the breeze. However, I understand the need for control before this plant continues to gain more footing in our riparian areas. Do a bit more research on this thug, one of many, that shouldn't escape our attention.

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