Sunday, May 11, 2014

Spring Plant & Tree Sale (Day 3)

Today was the third day for our Spring Plant Sale and Tree Sale. The day was nice with warm temperatures and overcast skies later in the afternoon.  At the time of typing this blog, no rain has arrived although it would be nice for all of our gardens to get a nice soaking rain very soon.  Some precipitation looked imminent around the dinner hour.  Above is the double flowering plum (Prunus triloba 'Multiplex') at peak this morning at the gardens.  This large shrub is ideally situated in the entrance garden which will be pink this summer too! 
The gardens were very busy and the Mother's Day Brunch at the Parker Education Center seemed well attended.  We had a steady day of traffic for both sales and will likely have a clearance sale of some sort tomorrow (Monday) from 9 am until 4 pm.  This collective event illustrates how vital volunteers are to the gardens.  Lily (below) was one of dozens of volunteers helping with both events.  Aside from being cute as a button, Lily was a good helper too. She has been a RBG volunteer since she was 2 years old.  Further down are some other images from the sale.
some young customers with their plants
veggies like these peppers above continue to sell well
here's Lily with Grandma Sue
Kris K. from RBG brought her son to help out and their Mother's Day bonding experience included an affectionate "head butt" and lots of watering (see below)

Cindy (RBG grounds staff) and her little girl were at the sale too as were some clearly labeled Grumpy volunteers (see below)
If the weather is ok tomorrow, we'll be installing these doors out in the gardens tomorrow!

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