Saturday, May 10, 2014

Perfect Weather on Day 2

Today was the second day of the Spring Plant Sale (members only sale yesterday) and also for the Spring Tree Sale.  Some of the action is captured in these photos.  It was a perfect day with sunshine and temperatures ultimately in the mid 70 degrees F.  The sale was quite busy early on and kept steady for the remainder of the day.  As was the case yesterday, we had wonderful volunteer assistance for both sales and the Golden Kiwanis guys did a great job facilitating the tree sale.  Chet and Amanda (bottom photo) did a live remote for WCLO this morning and encouraged more traffic by promoting both sales.  There are plenty of plants yet available for day 3 tomorrow and we hope the weather is nice (at least until 4 pm).

Russ and Stan (two of dozens of our volunteers)

Amanda and Chet from WCLO

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