Monday, May 12, 2014

Clearance Sale & Door Frames

We finally had some rain today around the lunch hour and it came down fast and furious.  We were able to have a very productive morning despite the deluge and also salvaged the afternoon.  There was no shortage of beauty out in the gardens with many spring bloomers exploding over the warm weekend.  Above is the 'Goldheart' bleeding heart which is one of my favorites and also features golden foliage.  Today was also our Clearance Sale for both the Spring Plant Sale and Tree Sale. We saw some moderate traffic but the rain put a "damper" on things...get it?  It's always nice to clear out more plants and I think we did pretty well with this vital RBG fundraiser.
The grounds staff had a busy day as usual.  Cindy worked on tidying up the front entrance garden and did a great job working in the rose garden.  We thought we had major losses but were happy to see that many are coming back to life and showing growth from the lowest portions of the canes.  Cindy also weeded in the Nancy Yahr Memorial Children's Garden.  Larry helped with some early Grumpy projects and moved on to serious weed whipping throughout the gardens.  Big John and Terry helped install the door frames in our future Jungle Garden area and moved on to multiple tasks including some related to the plant sale and a much needed gas run.  Pat painted all morning and I continue to prepare for life after the plant sale.  Janice was in to keep the Clearance Sale running smoothly and was the glue that kept everything functioning well this weekend.
'Little Leo' leopard's bane (Doronicum orientale)
'Sweet Tea' foamy bells (xHeucherella) with early growth

With a rain-free morning, we had a great showing of Grumpies.  The guys jumped right in to helping secure door frames in the Jungle Garden (see above and below) which also includes colorful windows.  Dick P., Ron W. and Larry H. jumped right in to digging holes after Larry and Terry hauled out the frames.  Each frame will support a colorful (and functional door).  The guys were then joined by Ron P., Gary B., Big John and Rollie.  Bob C. and Emmit (second photo down) worked on mulching the west side of the property near the Parker Education Center.  The carpenters had a busy day too.  The third photo down shows Jim (left), Vern and Ron Y. (thankfully not facing the camera) on a jaunt in to the gardens. The guys worked on multiple projects and helped Bob K. with some preliminary work for some electrical upgrades.  Maury and Glenn were involved with the tree sale and Dick H. finished work on the brakes of a utility cart (fifth photo down).  He's quite handy to have around.  Gary S. and Pat C. worked on labeling duties in the office.  Dr. Gredler was in for mowing duties and Urban came in for some work digging out some spreading shrubs...  Mary W., Pat M., Pat R., Tina and Bev D. were a huge help with the plant sale.  The fourth photo down shows Eva (left) and Bonnie (new volunteer) doing some weeding in the Nancy Yahr Memorial Children's Garden.  They did a nice job.


red barrenwort (Epimedium x rubrum) from ground level
'Bandit' barrenwort (Epimedium grandiflorum var. higoense)
'Cobblewood Form' barrenwort (Epimedium x rubrum)
And there is still growth on a very brown dwarf Alberta spruce (Picea glauca 'Conica')

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