We had a superb turnout of volunteers today. I missed most of the action with my seed delivery but was back to observe the cart loads of debris (above) coming back regularly. Dick W. and Terry finishe
d cutting back the larger ornamental grasses out in the gardens so we have many "grass haircuts" out there like the one below. Dennis was back and did a nice job cutting back our 'Flame' willows (Salix) on the west bank near Lions' Beach. These will respond with new growth that will again turn bright reddish orange from November thru March. Urban and Pat were out pruning most of the morning and focused on the color rooms garden and arboretum. Larry was bouncing between projects, ran some errands and helped over at the Horticulture Center. Dave, Jim and Bob
A. continued work on the new garbage/recycling bins and Del was in to work on some carpentry as well. Bill O. came in around lunch time and helped with some odds and ends. Dr. Gredler continued his painting with efforts on obelisks and Adirondack chairs. Our next project will involve the restaining of our benches (see bottom photo) although some are in more need than others. We also saw Gary and some others today. To the left is a dwarf white fir (Abies concolor 'La Veta') in the dwarf/miniature conifer section of our alpine garden. I like that shade of blue and note how most of the needles curve outwards and upwards on the stems (characteristic of most firs). The warm weather also has some perennials poking out of the ground. To the right is one of our perennial stonecrops (Sedum telephium 'Red Cauli') peaking out in this "Aprilish" weather. Hard to believe that the rest of the grounds staff (Marv, Marianne, Terry, Janice, Big John, Pat and Jenny) all start back in a month!

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