which serves Northern Illinois and Southern Wisconsin. They will be doing a feature article on the gardens and we talked about our history, collections and features for this year. We've been featured previously by Northwest Quarterly and greatly appreciate the exposure to past and future audiences. We also had a nice walk around the gardens and watched the continued advancement of our spring garden. At the top are the blooms of the Korean Sun ornamental pear (Pyrus fauriei 'Westwood') which also features some top notch orange/red fall color. All of our pears (Pyrus) are in bloom and they look spectacular this year all around town. To the lower right is one of our upright Chanticleer flowering pears (Pyrus calleryana 'Glen's Form') in the reception garden. Two photos above is the double flowering plum (Prunus triloba var. multiplex) at peak bloom and directly above is one of many peony (Paeonia) buds showing some color. To the right are some of the European anemones (Anemone nemerosa) in the Scottish garden. There are some sizeable patches in that garden (including a blue variety) that are offering some great color. Janine and I covered most of the
garden and encountered our hissing goose duo near the observation pier. Some visitors mentioned their encounter to us as well and it didn't sound pleasant. To the left is the always beautiful blossom of the 'Coral Lake' magnolia (Magnolia hybrida) overlooking the water to the west of the Parker Education Center. Our star magnolias (Magnolia stellata) and saucer magnolias (Magnolia x soulangiana) are past peak but these hybrids are starting up along with many of our yellow blooming magnolias.

I bounced between many projects today including finalizing my presentation on Sensational Shrubbery which I'll present tonight at Olbrich Botanical Gardens (Madi
son, WI). They have lots of great educational programs and the gardens are always worth visiting (highly encouraged!). I'll try to get up there for some pre-presentation photography. I also met with Mike M. regarding our April 25 program here at RBG. We're offering a program entitled Gardening to Enhance Well-Being - Working With Older Populations. As a joint venture between RBG and UW-Cooperative Extension, this event is targeted towards activity directors, occupational therapists, physical therapists and care givers. Check out our website at http://www.rotarybotanicalgardens.org/ for more information on this event and all of our exciting April opportunities (Earth Day, Tree Sale, Arbor Day, Compost Sale, Healthy Soils lecture, etc...). Directly below is Dr. Gredler mowing in the area that will again become our Ornamental Edible & Compact Vegetable Collection. There will be eight (8) of those structures out there with trailing vegetables coming out of the pipes and runner beans climbing up the supports. Doc will be able to mow right underneath and perhaps pick a trailing tomato from time to time! Further below are the buds of the white redbud (Cercis canadensis f. alba 'Royal White') just starting to open. The third photo down shows one of hundreds of our grape hyacinth (Muscari armeniacum) groupings blooming out in the gardens right now.

Our Volunteer Soup Dinner last night went very well. I think there were close to 100 attende

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