Friday, August 29, 2014

Shoveling In A Snowstorm?

My blog title refers to all the leaf collection that has been going on this week.  Our cottonwoods (Populus deltoides) and some other trees are dropping leaves fairly early this year and as we clean up an area, the leaves continue to flutter down.  Regardless, we'll continue to remove each layer as it descends!  Above is the 'Robustissima' grape-leaf anemone (Anemone tomentosa) which looks great this time of year and should bloom for another month or so.  We had a small grounds crew today and some reliable volunteers.  The 50% chance of rain throughout the day hasn't materialized at the time of typing this blog but the 80% chance of rain tomorrow seems likely.  Below are some additional photos from this morning.

'Chilly Chili' ornamental hot pepper (Capsicum annuum) - annual
variegated obedient plant (Physostegia virginiana) - perennial
'Golden Dreams' coleus (Solenostemon scutellarioides) with silver spurflower (Plectranthus argentatus) - both tropicals

I was remiss with my photography today in not capturing all of our wonderful volunteers.  Above is Kay dealing with another wave of leaves in her section of the shade garden.  She also did a great job collecting leaves along our primary path in that area.  Eva and Kathy also did a nice job out in the garden with leaf and debris collection.  Both Dr. Gredler and Bill O. accomplished their mowing rounds and the gardens are ready for the weekend.  Cookie was in to check on the North point garden and we also saw Rollie, Maury and many others. 

Terry, Janice and Cindy all had various gardening duties today which included timely watering as we didn't count on the rain which is always a safe practice!  Terry also push mowed and watered containers.  Cindy and Janice both watered our Fall Plant Sale (see mums and had multiple gardening duties.  I was desk bound but accomplished much as I continue to chip away at my "IN BOX".  Below are some other images from today.

'Black Coral' elephant ear (Colocasia esculenta) in our red themed wall
'Tinkerbell' flowering tobacco (Nicotiana hybrida) - annual
Japanese shellflower (Chelonopsis yagiharana) - perennial
'Lucky Lavender' lantana (Lantana camara) - annual
seven sons flower (Heptacodium miconoiodes) - small tree

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