Thursday, August 28, 2014

Mum's The Word

The mums have started to arrive (as seen above) for the Fall Plant Sale which starts next weekend.  These mums are always popular for their size and affordability!  They will be $9 each or $8 each with five or more purchased.  The sale will also include hundreds of varieties of perennials (for sun and shade), ornamental grasses, shrubs, roses, bulbs, kale, pansies, bagged compost and much more!  See www.rotarybotanicalgardens for more information in this event and the September 7th Auction of our neat Adirondack chairs that were part of our 2014 Garden Art Display.  We had an amazing amount of volunteers today with a full break room of helpers this morning.  I know I will forget some names but suffice it to say that our sizeable team was a huge help with tent set up, unloading mums, carpentry and a huge amount of debris collection out in the gardens.  Below are some photos from today including some from our increasingly popular Thomas Jefferson Collection.
balsam (Impatiens balsamina) - annual grown by Jefferson
'Costoluto Genovese' tomato (red) and 'Purple Calabash' tomato (darker) grown by Jefferson
our red border continues to look great with lots of foliage impact!
'Kong Lime Sprite' coleus (Solenostemon scutellarioides) - annual
'Creole Nights' coral bells (Heuchera) - perennial
The volunteers had myriad tasks today ranging from plant sale duties (tent set-up, mum unloading, etc.) and plenty of gardening work.  Our Grumpies included Lloyd, Gary B., Bob C., Ron B., Ron R., Ron P., Ron W., Larry H., Vern, Jim, Dave, Bob K. and Dr. Gredler.  Our Grumpettes today included Sue, Suzie, Mary R., Barb, Marilyn, Eva, Kathy, Bonnie, Beth, Vicki, Linda S. and Mary D.  Hal and Doris worked in their area and Karen M. brought down two of her granddaughters to help out too!  Betty H. tidied up her area as well.  Jumbo Jim was here with four RECAPPERS this afternoon and they did a great job collecting leaves in the Japanese garden and alpine garden.  We also saw Art, Jackie and many others today.  In lieu of describing the myriad activities today, I'll heartily give a kudos to our great team for jobs well done.  Some of the action can be seen below.
the tent boys
Dave, Bob K., Vern and Dave (in the back right)
Sue removing spent cosmos

Suzie, Marilyn and Mary R. (left to right)
Kathy (left) and Barb (throwing leaves)
Mary D. in full raking pose

It was a small crew today with Big John, Janice and me.  We all were involved with mum unloading and both John and Janice helped get our many volunteers organized.  John had other projects out in the gardens as did Janice.  We're holding off on watering as it looks like the next three days will be rainy.  I had some meetings but was able to get out in the gardens and work more on Fall Plant Sale details.  Above is 'Kong Jr. Lime Vein' coleus (Solenostemon scutellarioides) with 'Red-Eyed Gecko' elephant ear (Colocasia esculenta).  Below is the 'Raiche Form' white wood aster (Aster divaricatus) at peak.  The gardens are starting to look "Autumn-ish" but still are very colorful.

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