Sunday, July 13, 2014

Successful Home Garden Tour

We had over 500 attendees at the Home Garden Tour on July 12th, 2014.  That is our highest attendance number in about six years and the fourth highest in the 20+ year history of this event.  While there was a threat of rain throughout the day, we lucked out and only had the lightest of sprinkles on occasion.  Ticket sales on the day of the event were solid as I think folks waited to see the weather and decided it was worth the risk!  All eight home gardens were beautiful and the homeowners were all proud to show off their hard work.  Special thanks to our homeowners, event sponsors (K&W Greenery, DWG Landscaping, Wirkus Nursery, Manthei-Payne Roofing and L.P. Tree Service), ticket booklet sponsors, Home Garden Tour Committee, musicians (donated their time), Christy Marsden and crew from UW-Rock County Extension (plant help desk) and the 70+ folks that volunteered to help keep this event running smoothly.  Some of the highlights are included here with three images from each home.  Above (and the two photos below) are the home garden of Dr. John Haye.

The photo above and two below are from the home garden of Dr. Patrick & Terri Sitorius.

The photo above and the two below are from the home garden of John & Karen Wood.

The photo above and two below are from the home garden of Pat Jordan.

The photo above and two below are from the home garden of Dr. Jeff & Lindsey Whitehead.

The photo above and two below are from the home garden of Pam & Gustave Carlson.

The photo above and two below are from the home of Jim & Karla Vriezen.

The photo above and two below are from the home garden of Brian & Judi Rubeck.

Below are some of the many wonderful volunteers that helped as garden docents, ticket takers, musicians, Home Garden Tour Committee members, plant question help, etc.  A lot of work goes in to preparing for this event (aside from the significant efforts of our garden owners in preparing their gardens!).  We're already scouting out gardens for next year!
Mary D.
Bev B. (left) and Lori O.
Tom & Nancy F.
Cheryl D. (left) and Cindy B.
Doris and Hal R.
The post tour party at Cora O.'s beautiful garden (thanks Cora!)


  1. I just had a chance to look at your photos from the Home Garden Tour! They are wonderful! The home gardens were just beautiful. Also everyone was so friendly! It was a great event and I'm glad it was so well attended!

  2. Wow, what an amazing home garden tour! It's so inspiring. LJR Tree Services Inc
