Friday, July 11, 2014

A Tribute To Pink

With only a few gaps here and there, our pink theme along the entrance garden slope (seen above) is filling in nicely.  Below is the area near the 'Dialogue' sculpture (also in the entrance garden).  I've come to appreciate the wide range of "pink" that is out there in flower colors.  Our plantings in the entrance garden have vivid pink, powder pink, reddish pink, salmon-pink, etc.  It's blending fairly well and it will be nice when this display continues to mature.  I realized after downloading my photos today that I had lots of pink shots and decided to focus on that color.  Oddly enough, this was one of those rare days that I didn't photograph our volunteers out in the gardens.  I had a busy day of preparations for our Home Garden Tour tomorrow (July 12th, 9 am - 3 pm, rain or shine) but did get to tour the gardens and come up with some ideas for tasks next week. It was a light day for volunteerism but much was accomplished by both volunteers and staff.

Kathy and Mary D. helped weed in the Nancy Yahr Memorial Children's Garden while Kay tidied up her area in the shade garden.  Ron K. was in to spruce up the woodland walk garden and both Dr. Gredler and Bill O. did their mowing rounds.  Mary and Kathy worked in their assigned garden and we also saw Dr. Yahr, Maury, Mary Kay, Shawn W. and many others today. 

The grounds staff kept busy with a wide range of duties.  Terry push mowed, watered, fertilized and mulched.  Big John (half day) also mowed but had other duties including watering.  Cindy planted and tidied in the "Pollinator's Paradise / All-America Selections" themed garden, fertilized and did our cutting display.  I had various projects, meetings and preparations throughout the day.  The tribute to pink continues below.

Supertunia 'Raspberry Blast' petunia (Petunia) - annual
'Heart & Soul' false spirea (Astilbe chinensis) - perennial
'Castle Pink' plume celosia (Celosia plumosa) - annual
lemon bergamot (Monarda citriodora) - annual
'Ruby Parfait' wheat celosia (Celosia argentea spicata)
'Sriracha Violet' bat face cuphea (Cuphea llavea) - One of the four entries in our American Garden Award (AGA) Display.  See for more details on this fun contest that involves getting a vote on your favorite!
mix of larkspur (Delphinium consolida) with other fun plants in the herb garden
'Punky Red' wheat celosia (Celosia spicata) - annual
one of our pink windows offering a glimpse in to the Jungle Garden which continues to "thicken up" every day!

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