Thursday, May 9, 2013

Lots Of Teamwork Today!

Today was a busy day with lots of volunteers coming and going, particularly at the Horticulture Center.  The weather was overcast with a couple of drizzles but overall, we were able to get outside and finish preparations for the Spring Plant Sale, Spring Tree Sale and even accomplished some garden work.  I was able to get out in the gardens for a bit this morning and the lighting was perfect for photos like the Japanese garden seen directly above (the pink haze in the background is a redbud).  Directly below is our collective crew this morning that included Grumpies, gardeners and lots of volunteer help for tagging and organizing the plant sale.  The second photo down shows the Golden Kiwanis members processing the tree order this afternoon which Gordy picked up this morning.

Above is Linda K. finishing the tagging of the herbs out in the sale.  We had another awesome team today.  Directly below are Marleen (left) and Magda working on tagging the basil (Ocimum).  We also had tagging help from Cheryl, Karen, Terri, Ellen, Barb, Deb G. and Leslie.  Jerry H. helped the Golden K guys this afternoon with tree processing.  The second photo down shows new Ron and Dick P. (right) out in the gardens where they were installing new memorial bricks.  The third photo down shows (from left to right), Dave, Vern, Ron Y. and Jim D. (seated) as they take a moment of silence to appreciate how lucky they are to be volunteering at the gardens....or maybe they were trying to figure out how to repair some of those steps.  Gene and Bob (third photo down) helped out in the plant sale and hauled mulch out in the gardens.  Dick H. made some trips to the dump and went on a fuel run for us.  Pat did a nice job finishing his huge project of tidying up the turf edges along our frontage fence.  Dr. Gredler was in to mow as was Del.  We also saw Bill O., Glenn D., Maury, Rollie, Dr. Yahr, Joy, Bev D., Kris K., Denise, Jason O., Chuck H., Polly, Lori, Rita, Mary, Elsa, Ellie, Lois A., Stephanie D. and many others.  Jumbo Jim brought in three RECAPPERS and they did a great job tidying the Japanese garden and digging out "undesireable" woodies from our prairie.  I'm sure I forgot someone!

As I walk the gardens daily, I see new things each day including the colorful purple spring foliage of the 'Red Fox' katsuratree (Cercidiphyllum japonicum 'Rotfuchs') seen directly below.  The foliage does fade out to a green in summer but these purple, "heart-shaped" leaves are quite showy.  The next two photos feature two more magnolias at peak.  The second photo down is 'Butterflies' and the third photo down is 'Coral Lake', both of which are awesome and quite showy this year.  The next three photos down are some nice scenic shots out in the gardens featuring various redbuds (Cercis canadensis) and many Virginia bluebells (Mertensia virginica).  The bottom image is hilarious!  These two Canadian geese look like sentries protecting the bridge which I think they would have done if I had gotten any closer!  The pre-sale for RBG members starts tomorrow at the Spring Plant Sale (9 am - 4 pm) and the Spring Tree Sale will be in full swing (same hours).

'Coral Lake'
Lavender Twist redbud (Cercis canadensis 'Covey')
Woodland Walk garden
Observation Pier as seen from Woodland Walk garden

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mark,

    I love your photos of the geese on the bridge, and the observation pier seen from the Woodland Garden! Lots of rain should help more flowers bloom. I am looking forward to sharing the gardens with my children and grandchildren on Sunday. I asked to go to the gardens for Mother's Day. :) I have 25 of the suns photographed, and will do the rest within a week! See you soon!

