Friday, May 10, 2013

Construction Orange Prominent

We sure saw a whole lot of orange around the Spring Plant Sale and Spring Tree Sale today with our great volunteers.  Both sales went very well and were steady all day.  Today was the RBG Member only plant sale today and we saw many familiar faces and were able to get many new memberships as well.  Above, from left to right, are Karen, Mary D., Joy and Virginia.  Directly below are Kristine Z. (left) and Pat C.  Kristine's all purpose smock wasn't regulation but we let that go due to her all day volunteer commitment.  The next photo down shows Linda and Art and beneath them, Belle, Sue and Ellie who were helping sell our vast selection of herbs at the sale.  There were more volunteers involved today than I can recount (or remember) but it was collectively great teamwork and the sale ran very smoothly.  Thanks to those volunteers not pictured!!!: Mary W., Nancy, Pat M., Magda, Lynda, Karen, Virginia, Pat C., Mary D., Elaine, Shirley, Sylvia, Leslie, Mirjam, Becky, Gail, Gene, Cindy, Kay, Ron, Bob T., Karla, Stan, Russ, Maury, Glenn, Dick H., Dick P. (and the rest of the Golden K guys!!!).  Polly, Lori and Rita were over as RBG staff to help too.  The tree sale went well too with help from RBG volunteers working in tandem with members of the Blackhawk Golden Kiwanis Club.  The fourth photo down shows just some of the 7,500 trees (seven types) that we're offering for this sale through the weekend (9 am - 4 pm daily).

With the Mother's Day weekend looming we spent some time out in the gardens getting everything tidied up. We actually have two weddings out in the gardens this weekend as well!  John, Pat, Terry, Cindy and Cheryl all spent time out in the gardens today although everyone helped with plant sale preparations earlier in the day.  John mowed and edged out in the gardens while Pat also mowed and went on a significant dandelion patrol in the fern & moss garden.  Terry hauled mulch, replaced gravel, mowed and stockpiled materials for our first volunteer work day of the season which is also tomorrow (8 am until 12 noon).  Cindy, after helping in the plant sale, did some major weeding in the Nancy Yahr Memorial Children's Garden and did a nice job with the cutting display for the weekend.  Cheryl tidied up our wedding site this afternoon.  Janice and I were in the sale most of the day but I was able to capture some nice images today (and some from yesterday) which are directly below.

Hosta 'June Fever'
double flowering plum (Prunus triloba var. mulitplex)
leopard's bane (Dornicum orientale 'Little Leo')
double pasque flower (Pulsatilla vulgaris 'Double Frills')
false forget-me-not (Brunnera macrophylla 'Looking Glass')
rhododendron (Rhododendron 'P.J.M') in Japanese garden

1 comment:

  1. Offers a great opportunity to create something new and beautiful. Thanks
    Floor Screed
