Friday, October 22, 2010

Pictures Are Worth A Thousand Words

Crazy day and not much time to type. In summary, great grounds staff efforts, 70 volunteers today, Halloween Walk, holiday lights set-up, VIPs (Ed Lyon, Bill Cullina) and nice weather. Picture 1 is the fall color of the three-flower maple (Acer triflorum), Picture 2 is the hottest pepper in the world (oddly enough, no takers for a snack...), Picture 3 are Jim and Bob A. (heading towards Picture 8...), Picture 4 and 5 are of the Oakhill Christian high school volunteers (always fun to work with twice per year), Picture 6 and 7 are of the Jackson Elementary School Action Club volunteers (all 44) that helped this afternoon, Picture 8 is the continued progress on the new structure by Jim, Dave, Bob A., Vern and Maury, Picture 9 shows Becky, Janice, Marianne, and Nancy with the results of their wreath-making class (taught by Becky), Picture 10 is another white Jack O' lantern that is part of the Halloween walk (night two of three). Thanks to Marv and Terry for really tearing in to the lights set-up and thanks to Marianne and Janice for helping our volunteers today. Great work too by Kay and Robin. Fun

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