Thursday, October 21, 2010

Another Busy Thursday

In more recent Thursday blogs I've mentioned "skeleton crews" and not many volunteers. Well, that wasn't the case today! We had a very full morning with lots of volunteers and staff. Above can be seen the continuation of progress on our new seating arbor out on "the point". The first arch went up well and the other two were placed later in the morning. That's Jim and Dave up high with Del and Bob A. down below. Not seen in this picture but definitely involved were also Vern and Big John. Dick P. brought his trailer in today to help haul the three arches from the Horticulture Center to the job site. Lots of guys helped unload them. Bob C. and Pat hauled out over 300 Jack O' lanterns to mark the route of the Halloween Walk (which started tonight). They did a nice job and placed candles in the pumpkins as well. Bill O. was here early to get outside and collect some debris. He does a nice, delicate job in those sensitive areas that include existing perennials and signs. Dick P. and Tom C. worked on fixing/upgrading some electrical service which proved vital for the Halloween Walk (see the fellas below, illegally driving on the road with our cart). Maury helped everyone as did Dick H. We had a great crew of ladies removing annuals in the entrance garden and gazebo garden. They included Robin, Karen, Karen #2, Marilyn and Suzy. They must have hauled out 20 full loads of debris this morning. Bev was down in the sunken garden pulling out annuals as well. We also saw Gary, Rollie and Dr. Gredler ran many loads to the dump between his mowing runs out in the gardens. To the left is our globe amaranth (Gomphrena) collection still looking colorful despite the fact that the light frosts have impacted the plants. To the above right is one of my favorite conifers. Located along Palmer Drive, this is the weeping Serbian spruce (Picea omorika 'Pendula'). I like the way it makes an upright statement but has a narrow weeping form. Below are some of the Halloween Walk decorations before pumpkin placement.I divided my day between running cords and setting up lights for the Halloween Walk and working on a presentation (sensory plants) that is next week. Larry helped immensely with the Halloween Walk and coordinating volunteers. Janice helped get our volunteer ladies situated then worked on special events preparation for the Halloween Walk and Holiday Lights Show. Her talents in decorating obelisks with lights are second to none! I was able to take my camera around today and caught lots of color out in the gardens. We're not seeing a lot of visitors but still have school groups coming thru for a program. To the left is the 'Fireworks' purple fountain grass (Pennisetum 'Fireworks') that is really shining now with those inflorescences. As much as I liked the summer look of this grass with pink/maroon striped foliage, the wispy flowers are icing on the cake. To the right are the ornamental fruits of the green hawthorn (Crataegus viridis 'Winter King') that have been catching my eye from Palmer Drive as I pass by at 30 mph. The sheer profusion of orange red fruits gives this small tree a colorful haze. I stopped by for a closer visit this morning and took this shot directly underneath the lowest branch. The bottom photo was the first time I saw a carved white pumpkin (the variety 'Casper'?) and the neat effect of the orange "innards".

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