Monday, December 7, 2009

Snow On The Way

We had a bit of snow overnight but it looks like the bulk of the snowfall will arrive on Tuesday and Wednesday. This is perfect timing for our Holiday Lights Show (opens for the public on Friday) as we'll be able to clear the snow and get the paths ready to go. The show looks twice as good with snow on the ground but I hope we get 3" as opposed to 12"! The shot above (taken by Luis O., a RBG volunteer) is from last Friday when the lights show was lit up for the Taste of Chocolate attendees. I had very few problems and if the weather stays chilly (no rain or significant melting), the show should run well this upcoming weekend. Below are some additional shots from Luis.
Busy day around here today with carpentry Grumpies (Dave, Jim, Vern and Bob A.) putting together another nice custom cedar bench while Del continued to process more deer cutouts for the gift shop to sell. Bill worked on clean-up and placing pine boughs around our rose collection. Little Jerry and Urban worked on pruning crabapple suckers and were both up on ladders most of the morning. Dr. Gredler worked on running debris to the dump and resealing some benches for next year. Dick H. and Bob T. checked over our riding mower for impending repairs and Larry did more work for the upcoming lights show this Friday. Lots of good volunteers around although we may be forced inside with the looming weather (with the exception of snow removal!). If you are in the area, please consider coming to the lights show and/or "spreading the word". These blog pictures are just a taste of the winter wonderland out there. See for dates and times for this vital fundraising event. It's fun and the train display is ready to go!

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