Wednesday, December 9, 2009

A Snow Day

I'm typing this blog from home tonight. The weather forecasters were right on with the prediction of 12-14" of snow. I spent four hours this morning trying to clear all the snow on my driveway, walks, etc. so I could get to the gardens for snow removal. This snow was as heavy as it can get! I was sad to see plenty of broken branches, limbs and "burdened" evergreens with heavy snow loads today. I hope plants recover well. Larry had a tougher time and as we talked thru the morning, his road hadn't even been plowed. We decided not to risk injury or worse to head in the the gardens and I spent the day working from home. We'll tackle snow removal thru the Holiday Lights Show route tomorrow. Dropping temperatures may create a tough situation but hopefully we'll have some volunteer assistance in the morning with some heavy duty shoveling. Dick H. usually plows our Horticulture Center lot and was hard pressed to finish his other locations this morning so got to it later in the day. It's doubtful we would have been able to get to the Horticulture Center as the City will plow along the front of our access road, leaving a 3-4' mound of snow that will stop any vehicle without a plow. Regardless, we'll get the paths ready for the lights show and are happy to have a couple days to catch up.

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