Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Last "Warm" Day?

Despite the page turn on the calender to December, I caught this primrose (Primula 'Chic in Red') in full bloom along the shoreline of our woodland walk. This is a warmer spot than most out in the garden. Note the new foliage growth too. I think this poor fella thinks it's late April and is waking up again with all the mild weather. Oh well. We'll enjoy the color regardless of any calendar indications. Nice shot below of bugleweed (Ajuga 'Black Scallop') that offers some interest in the shade garden until buried by snow. Bugleweed is definitely a "carpeting" perennial that spreads and should be placed accordingly. However, it is also very durable as a groundcover and the nice blue, early spring blooms are of merit as well. We have a dozen or so varieties around the gardens and have rarely regretted planting it.
Today was a light crew with Larry finishing up touches outside for the lights show and Little Jerry pruning crabapples and other woody plants around the gardens. Marianne came in and did a great job cleaning and organizing the office at the horticulture center. It is amazing how much dust settles over here and knowing Marianne, she got it all. Dr. Gredler came in to do some painting on our bike rack (see below) and the reason for the red paint is so it will match our color scheme in the area that it will be placed in 2010. We simply couldn't have blue again! Dick H. came in for awhile to repair a mirror on one of our trucks but otherwise, a nice day for me to bury my nose in seed catalogs and start preparing for my spring talks (18 and counting). If you're looking for gift ideas for your children or grandchildren, the bench quote at the bottom seems like a very valid gift (and decidedly more important than an XBOX or Playstation......). Note the author.

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