Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Chills On The Way

Despite the impending chill (and possible rain tonight), this plantain-leaf sedge (Carex plantaginea) was still looking good in the shade garden. Native to eastern North America, the roots of this sedge was used by Native Americans were used for snakebites and it was thought that carrying a root of this plant would help prevent snake bites. This sedge has the widest leaf blade of all the sedges that we have out in the gardens and has done very well over the years. As I always mention with sedges (Carex sp.), watch out for the spreading or "running" sedges and when catalogs or plant tags indicate "Vigorous!" for a sedge (or any plant for that matter), look out! Another nice bench quote down below.
Another light day of staff and volunteers with Larry off today. Little Jerry came in to prune and Jumbo Jim joined him later in the day. The guys shifted to putting up burlap screens around some of our more "winter sensitive" woody plants in the Japanese garden. Dr. Gredler was here for more painting and dump runs while Janice came in to discuss some upcoming plans for 2010. Due to possible rain thru tomorrow, Dick W. came in and finished some woodchip mulching along our roadside (Palmer Drive) plantings and did a nice job. We also saw Bob T. and Dick H. briefly. I worked on more presentations and went thru two more seed catalogs; HPS and Johnny's. We're in the process of deciding on general collections and will be more specific when we start ordering in early January. December will be busy and we hope there wont be any issues with the lights show to contend with as the month progresses. Looks like the weather will settle in to its "winter mode" so with that thought, enjoy some past summer shots below...The bottom image shows our favorite thing to see in the gardens... ....volunteers and smiles. Get the kids involved!!!!!!!!!!!!

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