Friday, November 6, 2009

Windy & Warm

The day was chilly to start with but warmed nicely. It ranged from breezy to downright windy today but we all got outside and accomplished a great deal of work. Nice shot above of the fall color of shingle oak (Quercus imbricaria) looking from underneath the tree with light streaming thru. Marv and Terry worked on putting up displays and lights all day and accomplished more than I had planned and were very industrious. Marianne spent most of her time on stringing out our luminary bulbs while Janice did some decorating but was able to do some clean-up gardening in the fern & moss garden. Kay was here and worked in the shade garden. Dr. Gredler hauled loads to the dump and did some more leaf mulching. We also saw Urban, Rose, Julie and Dick H. today. I hauled out displays for the guys to set-up and spent a good portion of time running cords to our growing lights show. We couldn't ask for a better week for set-up as I seem to recall doing these same activies in freezing weather and occasional snow. Larry will continue decorating tomorrow and I'm sure Bill will be in to help clean up. Another nice shot to the left of the Korean feather reed grass (Calamagrostis brachytricha) in our woodland walk garden. We have about 10 clumps like the one above and it really makes a statement this time of year. To the right are the ornamental stems of the coral-stripe maple (Acer pensylvanicum 'Erythrocladum') which gets increasingly brilliant red stems in fall thru the winter. The bottom photo shows the variable fall color of the sweet gum (Liquidambar styraciflua) that really catches the eye as it peaks as most other trees have finished dropping their leaves.

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