Thursday, November 5, 2009

Taking A Day "Off"

Nice shot of our new "duck arch" above. I'm off today but have come in for a meeting this morning. Lots of Grumpy activity including putting our terrace furniture in to storage, hauling shredded leaves, carpentry, etc. Little Jerry is out continuing to prune and Janice will be testing lights and decorating. Larry is working on his display in the reception garden and we should have Bill back this afternoon for more cleanup work. Marilyn and Glenna are out cutting perennials and collecting leaves in the shade garden. Below is one of our signs that Rose has restained and repainted. Our gardens have such a fresh look with all the benches re-lettered and signs re-done. See further below for our assortment of teak and cedar benches that we bring back in each winter to have repaired and restained as needed. Since I'm deficient in plant photos for this blog, look at the "second from the bottom" photo for the fall color of Coppertina ninebark (Physocarpus opulifolius 'Mindia') which emerges in spring with copper/orange leaves (see bottom photo) that get a deeper/brighter maroon this time of year. Love that shrub. The bottom two photos are of the same plant (fall and spring). On a total tangent, if you have teen drivers (kids, grandkids, neighbors, etc.) consider passing along this video link about the dangers of text messaging while driving. . Warning, it is very graphic but will hopefully save some lives.

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