Monday, November 23, 2009

"Pseudo-Closure" For 2009

Nice shot of the arched bridge with icicle lights from this morning. We turned the entire show on this morning and with the exception of a few minor problems, the show has not had major outages and we'll see how it looks tonight. Today was our last official Grumpy day and the last day for Marv, Marianne, Terry and Janice. The Grumpies worked on woodchipping (Ron W. and Charlie), cutting downs spireas (Dick W., Bob T. and Ron B.) and putting up the remainder of our deer fencing (Maury, John, Gary and Rollie). All the major hedges are protected and we'll address protection issues for solitary specimens next week. Vern, Jim and Del worked on carpentry projects while Terry T. continued his bathroom painting projects. Dr. Gredler cut up the remainder of the greens and continues to haul loads to the dump as time allows. It was a productive Grumpy morning and we look forward to having the guys back in April. Some guys come in for indoor projects (painting, etc.) over the winter and we hope many will come in January to start taking down the lights show. Nice shot below of yet another neat sweet gum (Liquidambar styraciflua) leaf that caught my eye this morning.
Marv and Terry worked on some lights repairs/exchanges out in the garden and did some odds and ends in preparation for the lights show. They are truly a dynamic duo (when not napping). Janice replaced and repaired lights out in the show and helped Angie string grapevine thru some obelisks for indoor decorations. See picture to the left for Angie's start to the grapevine work last week. These obelisks should look cool inside and will be nice features. Marianne repaired more lights, checked her luminaries and helped get some back-up lights ready to go if needed. Little Jerry continued to prune in the color rooms garden and with the help of Urban and Bill in the near future, should be able to address the majority of our aesthetic pruning over the next couple of weeks. Bill was in this afternoon continuing to collect leaves and debris from select spots. Larry helped check over the lights and displays and is making some improvements and corrections throughout the day. Another one of our quote benches is seen below. I've gotten used to seeing all these benches around the gardens but I imagine a new visitor might note all these quotes and perhaps be inspired in some way.

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