Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Glad For the Early Start

The swamp white oak (Quercus bicolor) leaves caught my eye today with their subtle orange coloration. We had consistent light drizzle throughout the day but managed to continue to test and modify the lights show based on some needs that became apparent last night with our test. We had about ten people (volunteers and staff) join us on our test walk last night and overall, the show looked great. We took the opportunity to mark problem areas with tape that we are addressing today and are modifying some power issues to minimize problems during the show. Nice shot below of the late fall color of a perennial geranium (Geranium cantabrigiense 'Karmina') in our woodland walk (picture from today). The landscape isn't totally brown and I continue to find little "hints" of color.

Larry and I worked on lights today while Little Jerry pruned in the color rooms garden and Bill continued to collect leaves from around the gardens. Marianne and Marv came in today and ran out for some last minute cords, lights, misc. supplies that we needed to complete the lights show. Marianne stayed to make some neat lights decorations for our deer displays. Vern was here for awhile and Dr. Gredler continued his trips to the dump throughout the day. We also saw Maury for a bit as well. Overall, the day was dismal in terms of weather but allowed us to continue with our event progress and garden maintenance. Every day that it's not a blizzard is a gift at this point so we'll continue outside as long as possible although larger projects will wait until spring. Nice shot (below left) in our woodland walk of Italian arum (Arum italicum) in front of variegated Japanese sedge (Carex hachijoensis 'Evergold'). To the right is the fall color of a barberry (Berberis thunbergii 'Royal Cloak') beneath our terrace garden. Many barberries get a nice fall color that should also be considered an asset. Unfortunately, barberries are becoming more frequent in woodlands and birds "disperse" the seed far and wide so do keep that in mind as well. I will now transition in to 2010 preparations which include seed ordering, garden designs, signage, interpretation and preparation for presentations.

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