Friday, August 7, 2009

Much Needed Drizzle

Nice shot above of our "ornamental edibles" collection taken today. This border has some nice looking plants that also have secondary functions in the kitchen. These plants include ornamental basils, hot peppers, nasturtiums, various plants with edible flowers and/or leaves, misc. vegetables, etc. There are over 100 types of plants in this interesting border collection. This display will be utilized as part of the Horticultural Therapy seminar here at Rotary Gardens on August 21. This seminar should be well-received and we're happy to accomodate hands-on activities out in the gardens as part of this experience.

Today was overcast from the start and light drizzle this morning has continued thru the lunch hour. This has the makings of a good soaker. I hope we get 1"+ of precipitation in this fashion. I took many pictures this morning with such good lighting and caught blanket flower (Gaillardia aristata 'Arizona Sun') to the left and one of our koi pond containers to the right. The centerpiece in that container is the variegated giant reed grass (Arundo donax 'Versicolor) with trailers that include wandering Jew (Setcreasea pallida 'Purple Heart') and petunia 'Plush Lilac Pearl'. Speaking of containers, I gave a presentation on container gardening up in Baraboo last night for the Sauk Co. Master Gardeners and some of the local public. What a great, enthusiastic group. Lots of fun and ideas. Below is a shot of our terrace garden with a distant, curved border with the same chartreuse and pink theme that is in front of the building.
We had a productive morning before the drizzle became a minor deluge. Marv set up sprinklers, trimmed shrubs, weeded and fertilized, etc. He sure accomplishes alot of work in a short period of time. Terry also watered but got his push mowing done early, as did Janice. Janice also organized some donated plants and worked on organizing our reference library. Marianne did her normal Friday thing of tidying, weeding, preparing the cutting display, watering, fertilizing and ending with peeling old sign labels as the weather turned sour. Little Jerry and Dr. Gredler worked on mowing while Dr. Yahr worked in our new wishing well garden. Vern was here as was Maury. Kay worked her "weeding kung fu" in a neglected portion of our formal gardens and really did a nice job (as usual). See below for a view of our annual beds just east of the visitors center and the formal annual sections. We're pretty happy with how they look right now.

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