Thursday, August 6, 2009

A Great Evening!

Nice shot above of our chartreuse/pink theme in full force along our entrance gardens slope. This shot was taken last night as I arrived at work for our 20th Anniversary open house sponsored by the Rock Prairie Master Gardeners (RPMG). The entire lot and road was full and the gardens were the busiest I've seen them. It was a great turnout and we were happy that the gardens looked so nice for this community appreciation night. A big thank you to the RPMG and all the staff and volunteers that helped facilitate this event. Below are some additional shots from last night.
I spent an enjoyable day at Boerner Botanical Garden (Hales Corners, WI) yesterday and presented as part of a professional field day there sponsored by UW-Extension. I was able to tour the gardens and always enjoy visiting. They are suffering from some huge budget cuts and I'm very sympathetic to their challenges as they relate to staffing and even purchasing plant material. I've enjoyed this garden for many years and yesterday was no exception. I took over 300 pictures and have included some at the bottom of this posting. My presentations were well received and it's always nice talking to others in the "green industry".

Today was another sunny, hot day but we've kept up with watering with the combination of Little Jerry, Janice and I running irrigation and watering where needed. We had another productive Grumpy day with the carpenters (Dave, Jim, Bob A. and Vern) churning out new obelisks and Ron and Charlie putting together some new hand carts. Ed and Ron put together more tables for our fall plant sale (and both helped with watering as well) while John and Del took down more of our older split rail fence to make room for the new fence when our fence crew gets back in action on Monday. Maury and Gary also kept busy with odds and ends. Little Jerry and Jumbo Jim worked on pruning and tidying up and we saw Mary and Roy out there as well as Dan cleaning up their respective assigned gardeners. Janice floated around with plenty of hand watering duties. Boerner highlights below...

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