Saturday, August 23, 2008

Precipitation Teaser

The dark, looming clouds this morning looked promising for much needed rain. Aside from a little mist, we didn't get much at all. It was a nice although a bit muggy. It was nice having Larry back from his much-needed vacation as he ran irrigation zones and checked the gardens prior to weddings as per our normal Saturday routine. I've been following some more of the blogs from the community regarding our request to charge admissions at the gardens. I am staggered by the number of inferences that we're doing this to make a profit. I sympathize with comments that a fee-based entry system might affect the ability of potential visitors to enjoy the gardens. That is something we would hope to address. However the comments that this decision is simply to "turn a buck" are ludicrous. First of all, we are a non-profit that is struggling day by day. Second of all, we've seen the gardens continually supported by the few and enjoyed by many. We welcome all visitors, however, there needs to be the understanding that a botanic garden of this caliber has expenses. There are utility bills, payroll, new plants, equipment repairs, rising fuel costs, flood damage expenses, etc. This is not the first time admissions has been considered. Every year we've pinched pennies and begged for support. We've managed to keep the gardens "admission by donation" which has encouraged some visitors to thankfully support us with a donation of their choice, however, it has also given the green light to many to utilize the gardens for free which has unfortunately perpetuated the notion that Rotary Gardens is a place that will always exist regardless of their individual lack of financial support. We appreciate all our volunteers and donors, in particular, the people and businesses that have helped us out regularly. We understand that not everyone can contribute financially to the gardens and many have no interest. But we hope everyone will come to the understanding that the future of this community garden rests in the hands of the community (regardless of admissions). Some comments have indicated that Rotary Gardens is just a mediocre garden around a muddy pond. Others have said that the gardens should be removed for various reasons. Everyone is entitled to their opinion but for those community members that harbor various resentments towards the gardens (whether its the admission thing or other reasons), understand that every child that has walked thru these gardens has benefited by their existence and Rotary Gardens has consistently improved each year to become a botanic garden of significant caliber and is recognized nationally for its plant collections and continued commitment to excellence. We are committed to our mission and if we've even averaged 10,000 volunteer hours here every year since our existence (conservative estimate in my mind), this garden is headed towards 200,000 hours of volunteer input and nurturing. This doesn't even take in to account the monetary support that has continued to make this institution available to everyone. Unfortunately many misconceptions continue to exist regarding our funding and financial status. The City Council meeting on Monday will be interesting and a recent public poll by the Janesville Gazette has indicated essentially a 50/50 split on whether we should be allowed to charge admissions. As we prepare our 2009 budget in the coming months, some very important decisions will have to be made and for the first time in 19 years, we may have to sacrifice the quality of the gardens. There is no more "fat to trim off" folks. However, thank you to everyone that supports the gardens and our mission (regardless of your personal feelings on admissions).

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