Friday, August 22, 2008

Perennial Plant Conference

I went to work briefly to get our "flood crew" going and touch base with Marv, Marianne and Terry. Janice was to come in later. I attended an all day conference in Madison, WI hosted by the Perennial Plant Association. It was a great conference and I did some nice networking. The flood crew is doing a great job and has accomplished a lot in just 4 short days. It looked like potential rain when I left Janesville so I came up with some indoor projects. It didn't rain although we sure could have used it! It was overcast most of the day and I hope we get some rain on Saturday. Nice annual hibiscus (Hibiscus acetosella 'Maple Sugar') below with gloriosa daisies (Rudbeckia hirta 'Indian Summer'). You can't beat the maroon and yellow combination.
Janice and Marv were to give the tour today with the Ball Seed visitors. I'm sure it went well and in that regard, I'm glad it wasn't pouring rain. I talked with Jim from Ball Seed at the conference and had a great time networking with lots of old friends. I hung out with Ed Lyon, our past Executive Director too! Glad to have the weekend off to finally do my spring weeding. Yes, spring weeding (4 months late!).

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