Today was Kelli's last day and we wish her the best with her new position as Foundation & Alumni Director at Black

hawk Technical College. We had an informal gathering this morning and I presented her with the visor you see above (not the wine) and a RBG T-shirt (VOLUNTEER on the back) for her to wear when she comes back for all our work days this year. We do appreciate her efforts and hope to maintain the momentum that she helped develop over the past 10 months. To the left is what is on top of my "to read" stack at home. It's nice to see this magazine finally appear after he

aring about its development over the past couple of months.
Wisconsin Gardening looks like a great publication and I was pleased to see the contributions of many that I know in this publication. I believe we'll be selling this in our gift shop but a subscription might also be worthy of consideration. This magazine is from the publishers of
Chicagoland Gardening which is another good read. The picture to the right was given to me by my daughter (12) yesterday. She normally sketches animals but has seen me at home buried in catalogs looking at vegetables. She's quite a gardener herself and not a bad artist either. Peruse your catalogs for a wide variety of carrots and beets with the understanding that while they are obviously very nutritious root crops, they always taste better when grown at home! Below is Dr. Gredler continuing his painting project. His painting clothes should ultimately be retired for posterity as they give a long testament to the full color range of our painting conversions over the years!

We had a fairly busy day of volunteers coming and going at the Horticulture Center. Nancy was in to continue h

er work on organizing our reference library. Doreen Howard, a good friend and well-known garden writer/author, stopped by with some donated seed packets that we'll distribute at Earth Day and for various functions. We had a nice lunch and talked "shop". Doreen presented at our spring symposium last spring and continues to write for a wide range of magazines, blogs, etc. Maury was in for various projects and Vern popped by for some carpentry work which included helping Del continue to cutout more plywood deer. Pat and Urban were in to continue pruning trees and shrubs outside and we did a mini-tour to identify some of the next target specimens and focus areas. Dick H. was in to work on finalizing some electrical work on one of our pick-up trucks that we'll be selling shortly (see directly belo

w). Bill O. came in and took the snowblowers out to tidy up some of the primary paths and around the building. We also saw Big John and Mary Kay T. To the left is the weeping Norway spruce (
Picea abies 'Pendula') in front of the visitors center. It looks good with some snow on it and those lights you may notice will be removed Monday after our last event in need of the lights is this Saturday. With high temperatures near 40 degrees F early next week, we may lose all our snow cover. To the right is just some of our recent recycling efforts. With metal prices being so good, it's worth the effort to recycle lights, etc. and we thank Chuck S. for taking care of this for so long (including all the aluminum cans we recycle each year). At the bottom is some quinoa (
Chenopodium quinoa) that my wife and younger daughter prepared last night. I took a quick shot as I thought it would be a great way to promote our "Grains of the World" component of the Ornamental Edible & Compact Vegetable Display in 2012. Quinoa has a 5,000 year history of being used for food and we'll display a nice patch this year along with some other nutritious grains.

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