We had a good turnout of volunteers. Larry H. and Dennis went out in the gardens to do some more clean-up. It's nice to have some gardening progress yet in December as this would be work we'd have t
o do in late March / early April when it is more soggy. Urban was out doing some more pruning. He, Larry and I will take a tour of the gardens later this week to discuss our pruning "targets" and goals for the winter months. We have some larger removals we'll consider as well. To the upper right is Bob A. putting the second coat of primer on the oak leaves for the 2012 Art in the Gardens project. Last year, some of the butterflies had some structural issues and
we thought another coat of primer (we only did one last year) may make a difference for longevity out in the gardens. Vern, Jim and Dave worked on some other carpentry projects and we just gave them three more projects to consider for this winter. Aside from the guys mentioned above, we also saw Bill O., Mary W., Marianne and Janice (to the left) was in to go thru the latest catalogs. Here she is looking at potential tomato varieties for our 2012 veggie collections and spring plant sale. To the lower right is Dick H. who helped Larry put the chains on our Grasshopper mower/snowblower. Larry spent most of the day working on equipment repairs. Below are some newly repaired displays (thanks Randy!) that will be stored and used for the next HLS. Randy has been at the Horticulture Center working on repairs the past two Saturdays. However, we wont use them this year and compromise our power "grid". Randy (and his dad) were the original creator of these displays and we appreciate the generous maintenance package offered over the past decade! 

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