I was able to catch up on desk work today but am headed to Pewaukee, WI this afternoon as the Midwest Perennial Conference is tomorrow and I'm one of the speakers ("Perennial Partners for Stunning Shrubbery"). I've always enjoyed attending this conference and it will be nice to expose not only the topic but RBG to the 300+ attendees. I have more talks coming up and am in desperate need of finishing seed ordering. It will all get done I'm sure!
We had a great turnout of volunteers today and it was warm (40 degrees F) and sunny. Larry started to unload our trailer and ran out for oil and other vital, shop items. The guys finished unloading the trailer of Expo goodies and worked on some odds and ends. I'm not sure if anyone headed in the gardens but I'm sure it's getting sloppy out there. Vern, Dave, Jim and Bob finished the blue pyramids (see below) and are now constructing six, custom cedar benches for the new, North Point garden. Kay was here to work on processing plant sale labels (see to the right) and both Marianne and Janice were in to work on projects as well. We also saw Marv, Terry, Del, Pat, Big John, Ron W., Dick P., Dick H, Gary, Lois and even Little Jerry popped in to say 'hi'. Will try to blog tomorrow but more likely, Wednesday night.

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