Today was an exhausting day of field trips. The bus didn't depart until 10 am so I spent another two hours tour

ing the gardens and continue to accumulate fun/interesting photos of plants and scenery. Above is the maidenhair tree (
Ginkgo biloba 'Magyar') which is an upright form (found in NJ) and well placed along the pond. To the left is 'Victoria' rhubarb (
Rheum rhabarbarum 'Victoria') and to the right is a

nice shot of the leaf of 'Burgundy' Swiss chard (
Beta vulgaris). These are "ornamental edibles" in the truest sense. I toured the vegetable garden and enabling garden again and continue to find neat things (like finding Easter eggs after Easter, a pleasant surprise, usually). With the exception of one sick student, 27 of us travelled with three instructors and "Red", the bus driver, to Friendship Village (a fancy retirement community), Shriner Hospital and Schwab Rehabilitation Hospital to view gardens at each destination. It was a fun but a long day. Below are more CBG treasures from this morning. These are both Grecian windflowers (
Anemone coronaria) and are certainly not hardy. My guess is that they were planted simply for spring interest. Below are the varieties 'The Admiral' (double pink) and 'Mona Lisa Bicolor Blue Shades' at the bottom. Two more days to go and starting to rain in Chicago. Loving the experience but missing family, friend and coworkers.

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