Saturday, June 6, 2015

43 Plant 12,000

In a nutshell, we had 43 volunteers install 12,000 annuals in about 3.5 hours which is truly amazing.  We had wonderful, hard-working volunteers like Lily seen above and a strong contingent of Mercy Health System employees came to volunteer is well (see their photo further below).  Special thanks to Larry, Bill, Big John, Janice and Gary for helping orchestrate all the moving pieces of this project which started yesterday with what you see below and ended up looking like that last two photos below.  Thanks again to all the wonderful volunteers that helped plant the entrance garden and we look forward to another strong turnout for the Volunteer Work Day next Saturday, June 13th.  This would be our fifth of five successful work days and we'll plant some other large areas.  Rose and Urban were also helping out with painting on the observation pier which is a monumental task.

 Heather seen above
 Chuck already leaning on a shovel (above)


Thanks to the "Dirty Dozen" from the Mercy Health System
 above and below are just a portion of the final product

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