Friday, April 3, 2015

'Gold Heart' Bleeding Heart - A "Spring Beacon"!

While a bit chillier today and not as sunny, it was still very "Spring-like" outside and I was able to tour the gardens with Jumbo Jim as we're making some plans in the Japanese garden and alpine garden.  Pat M. and Urban were out in the gardens working on various projects including pruning and both Kathy and Eva did a dynamite job tidying up the sunken garden and reception garden.  Alan M. came in for more leaf collection in the woodland walk garden and Maury ran some more errands for us.  We also saw Barry, Big John, Bill O., Shawn W., Cindy and Jerry.  I continue to prepare for looming events like the Spring Plant Sale (Mother's Day weekend!) and Home Garden Tour (July 11th).

I'm a huge fan of the 'Gold Heart' bleeding heart (Dicentra spectabilis).  Despite the fact that the genus is now Lamprocapnos (?), this stalwart perennial emerges in such a dramatic fashion with chartreuse/gold foliage and gets more interesting and it gains size.  A mature plant will get about 36" tall and 36" wide and is truly a beacon in the shadier garden. The pink, dangling flowers on long rows are quite fetching and we've used over 50 of these out in our shadier gardens.  The golden foliage looks nice well after flowering and while the plant goes dormant in late summer, the golden foliage can either be left or cut back (like you would with the green form that starts turning yellowish).  Regardless, no spring garden should be without this colorful contributor.

Above and below is the emerging foliage with hints of orange and pink

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