Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Spring Containers

Today was another warm and sunny one with temperatures in the upper 50 degrees F!  Needless to say, the snow is melting quickly which creates that annual sloppiness.  We had some great volunteer help today with Jenny M. and Dr. Gredler painting various objects in the Horticulture Center.  Urban was in later for pruning.  Ron Y. and Vern came in to work on the Garden Art Projects today.  Called "Nature Nooks", these were designed and built by our "Grumpies" and will be mounted on posts out in the gardens.  See our website at www.rotarybotanicalgardens.org for more information on this unique program as the Nature Nooks will be available this upcoming Monday, March 16th.  All the details are on our website.  Bill O. was in later to help Larry prepare some items for painting tomorrow.  We also saw Kris K., Tina B., Cookie, Andy H. and Vanessa  Our Garden Development & Maintenance Committee had a meeting which included Big John, Gary, Maury, Hal R., Christy M., Cheryl, Iza and Christine R.

As it gets warmer and you look at your empty containers, consider an early spring approach as there are many cold tolerant vegetables and annuals that can be planted that wont mind the 60 degree days and 40 degree nights we may have in April and early May.  You can easily have a spring container adding interest until the summer transition in early June.  Above and below are my uses of some deck planters at home for greens.  Easily sown, quick to germinate, cold tolerant and delicious, this is a nice early use of container space.  All of these containers below were photographed at Olbrich Botanical Gardens (Madison, WI) in May (various years) and they also were later transitioned to summer displays for more heat tolerant selections.  Olbrich does an excellent job in all their containers for not only combinations but seasonal emphasis.  Don't forget that the fall season is yet another opportunity for a transition of color and interest that can extend well beyond frost.  Know your plant before planting and follow guidelines for appropriate soil preparations, drainage, siting, etc. for your containers too!

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