Friday, February 13, 2015

Spring Plant Sale Preparations

I'm headed up to the Wisconsin Public Television Garden Expo ( this afternoon but spent the morning working on our Spring Plant Sale.  These photos are from previous sales but give you an idea of the scope of this fundraiser.  The sale is scheduled for Mother's Day weekend (May 9th and 10th) from 9 am - 4 pm daily at the Horticulture Center.  RBG Friends Members are invited to a pre-sale on Friday, May 8th (same hours) to get a first look at the sale.  This is one of the many benefits of RBG Membership!  Members also receive a 10% discount over the duration of the sale.  We'll again have a wide range of vegetables, herbs, perennials, woody plants, bagged compost and much more!  Check our website out soon for a listing of vegetables and some of the herbs.  We're also offering some of the same historic vegetable varieties that will be on display out in our Thomas Jefferson Collection in the gardens.  I love the photo directly above (2003) as we can see Grandpa with his granddaughter helping pick out basil varieties.   This is how new gardeners are born!  I only saw Chuck S. today and was able to have a productive morning before heading up to Madison for the show.

I think this was my wife's cart (the first one...)

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