Friday, January 30, 2015

Homecoming After 22 Years

I left work early this morning to head down south to a conference (Saturday) in Robinson, IL that is hosted by the University of Illinois - Extension.  Robinson is right near the Indiana border and this event will be well attended.  I was asked to present at this annual event a year ago but had a conflict.  I'm glad to be involved although the five hour drive is daunting.  I stopped in Champaign/Urbana (Illinois) for a stretch and visited the University of Illinois Arboretum and The Japanese House gardens.  Both of these gardens were new to me and I enjoyed visiting.  I attended the University of Illinois back in 1989-1993 and have not been back on campus since graduating.  I enjoyed seeing the Student Union (above) and walked the campus which has stayed the same in some respects but also seemed to have many new buildings.  Anyway, it was a walk down memory lane and I had a good hour walk to break up the trip.  I arrived in Robinson and met many of those involved with the event tomorrow.  Fun day overall and thankfully I had perfect road conditions.  I know Pat, Larry H. and Kay were coming in today and I saw the fellas before I left.  

 Idea Garden (UofI Extension - Champaign County)
 The Japanese House gardens (above and below)

 Himalayan birch (Betula utilis)
 China Snow Peking lilac (Syringa pekinensis 'Morton')
 standing at the base of a 60' tall bald cypress (Taxodium distichum)
paperbark maple (Acer griseum)
Ravenna grass (Erianthus ravennae) at 12' tall!

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