Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Day of Shoveling

Today was full of exercise as I helped remove snow with Larry and Bill.  We had about 4" of fluff come down over the evening on top of some slush that froze up as the rain converted to sleet and finally snow yesterday morning.  Above is a sunflower sculpture looking showy out in the gardens today.  It was actually a beautiful day out in the gardens as evidenced in these photos.  I took these shots as I was catching my breath after some serious shoveling!  This was another day that I was yet again happy that I had my camera in my pocket.  We have a nice snow removal routine with Larry and Bill on the snow blowers and me doing the shoveling touch up.  We had some other visitors later in the day and I'll be shifting to some perusal of 2015 seed catalogs as the winter months are all too fleeting (in terms of time for preparation).

 view from the fishing pier to the arched bridge in the far distance
a snow-covered redbud (Cercis canadensis) - woody tree
burning bush (Euonymus alatus) holding snow - woody shrub
part of the holiday scenery for the Holiday Lights Show (HLS)
snow is beautiful when it sticks to plants like these horsetails (Equisetum sp.)
South Japanese entrance
white pine (Pinus strobus) - conifer
fruiting structures on Tiger Eyes sumac (Rhus typhina 'Bailtiger') - woody shrub
the arboretum looking nice (deer tracks though!!!)

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