Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Plant Sale Preparations

Today was another busy one involving a wide range of gardening tasks and preparations for the Fall Plant Sale which is scheduled for this weekend.  See for more information on this wonderful event and vital fundraiser.  Above is a collection of asters ($5) that will be offered at the plant sale along with a wide range of other plant material.  We had some deliveries today with some coming tomorrow as well.  We had a great turnout of volunteers both out in the gardens and out in the plant sale yard.  The day was beautiful with sunshine and 85 degrees F.  Tomorrow looks to be very hot and sticky for our last day of plant sale preparations prior to the RBG Members Only Presale on Friday (9 am - 4 pm, come become a member!).  We also have a busy weekend of weddings so will be primping the gardens as well.  Below are some shots from the plant sale this morning.
Don and Pearl
Audrey (left) and Joy
Pat, Tina, Audrey and Ellen processing bulbs
cash register orientation by Cheryl and Joy with Shirley, Nancy, Joanne and Mary Kay
Our garden volunteers today included Kay, Kathy, Eva, Mary, Gena, Nancy, Myrt, Shirley and Patrea.  The ladies did a combination of removing spent annuals, cutting back languishing perennials and collecting lots of leaves.  Our plant sale help included Tina, Gary, Nancy, Nancy, Don, Pearl, Pat, Ellen, Joy, Shirley, Audrey, Charlotte and many others. Dr. Gredler was in for a full day of mowing and Tammy came in later to water the mums for round #2.  Janice was in briefly with the Chestnut House volunteers as well.  We also saw Urban, Rose and many others today. 
The grounds staff today (Big John, Terry, Pat, Cheryl, Jenny and Cindy) all had a busy day with gardening tasks and various plant sale duties including two radio interviews promoting the sale.  I'm embarrassed to say I didn't even enter the gardens today and was caught up with plant sale tasks.  There was lots of watering and garden clean-up occurring though.  Everyone did a great job and the wonderful teamwork was quite evident.  Below is a neat morning glory (Ipomoea sp.) blooming on our yard fence at the Horticulture Center.

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