Thursday, September 11, 2014

October Already?

It sure felt like October this morning and I didn't see anyone in short sleeves all day!  It was chilly today with a high around 60 degrees F and the overcast skies made for an "Autumn-ish" day with one to follow tomorrow as well.  Our Extended Fall Plant Sale (see below) saw some activity today and will continue both tomorrow and Saturday from 9 am until 2 pm with 15% off everything!  Above is our red border still looking good after Kay and Barb worked on it recently.  Kay finished putting in mums yesterday along the front of this exciting border.  We had a very busy day at the Horticulture Center with plenty of action out in the gardens.  Further below are more photos from today.

only two days left of the plant sale clearance!
no shortage of mushrooms after recent rains!
corkscrew flower (Vigna caracalla) - annual vine
'Minerva' double Rose-of-Sharon (Hibiscus syriacus) - woody shrub

The photo directly above and photo directly below are of the Chestnut House volunteers helping out yesterday.  The team above did a great job processing our thousands of plant sale labels.  The team below was working with our broom corn (Sorghum bicolor) to make small hand brooms.  They certainly do a great job.  The second photo down shows Ron P. (left) and Gary B. raking in tandem.  As the guys were raking in unison, they were singing a song with the lyrics, "That's the sound of the men, working on the chain gang" or something like that.  Bob C. also collected leaves in another area.  Dave, Jim, Vern and Ken worked on carpentry projects and painting.  Maury ran errands and worked on some other projects as well.  Dick H. ran loads to the dump and had some other duties as well.  Bob K. and Dick P. looked at some future work in the Nancy Yahr Memorial Children's Garden and Dr. Gredler was in for some significant mowing.  The third photo down shows Maury (left) and Dick H. working on some serious vehicle repairs.  The fourth photo down shows Mary (foreground) and Suzy tidying up the sunken garden which will host a large wedding this weekend.  There is still plenty of color despite evening temperatures near 40 degrees F.  The fifth photo down shows Peg (left) and Bonnie heading out to help Mary and Suzy.  Peg is a new volunteer and fit right in very quickly.  Eva (sixth photo down) worked with Kathy and Vicky in the entrance garden with tidying and removals.  Patrea arrived in the afternoon to help test lights for the upcoming Holiday Lights Show. Jenny E. was in to work in her assigned garden and we also saw Gary, Dr. Yahr, Chuck S., Barb C., Rose N. and many others today.  Joy, Mary W. and Sue C. ran the plant sale very efficiently. 

The grounds staff kept busy today although it was a "skeleton crew" of Big John, Larry and myself.  The guys had a wide range of duties including some mowing, weedwhipping, emptying containers, planting, etc.  The guys also did some spot watering although we may have more rain tomorrow.  I had quite a few meetings and helped with the plant sale as time allowed.  Below are additional images from today.

Korean feather reed grass (Calamagrostis brachytricha) - perennial
the Jungle Garden this morning
sweet Autumn clematis (Clematis terniflora) - perennial vine
'Honorine Jobert' anemone (Anemone hybrida) - perennial
balloon plant (Gomphocarpus physocarpus 'Oscar') - annual

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