Thursday, July 31, 2014

Cool Rooftop Garden

I was off today but was thankfully able to "get my fix" at St. Mary's Hospital in Madison, WI.  All the images here are from their rooftop garden which was 25,000 square feet of dynamite.  I knew it was there and remember hearing when it was first constructed.  I saw it from above first (photo above) and then descended two stories, opened the access door to the garden and meandered.  It's old news that patients recovering in rooms with a view such as this recover significantly faster than those recovering (same ailment) in rooms with views of parking lots, walls and "un-nature-like" settings.  What a great view and I enjoyed being immersed in this flowing composition which was a whimsical combination of both natives and non-natives with a nice representation of perennial grasses.  I chatted with the primary grounds horticulturist, Mike, and we "talked shop" and compared "war stories."  I enjoyed the visit and will blog tomorrow regarding their other garden which was top notch and featured a walking labyrinth.

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