Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Color Abounds

After the tough heat yesterday, we had a perfect day of sunshine and a high near 80 degrees F.  The morning was quite comfortable and we had a very productive day.  The gardens were busy with tours and a group of kids (seen above near the koi pond) enjoying the gardens.  While we missed the small chance of rain yesterday, there may be some arriving on Friday.  We are now going in to full watering mode although we haven't dried out yet!  We made more progress today with some planting, lots of weeding, watering and other duties around the gardens.  Below are more photos from this morning.

'Blue Eyed Beauty' African daisy (Osteospermum ecklonis) - annual
'Moonlight' caladium (Caladium sp.) - tropical
squash bloom (two bees are way down inside...)

Above (left to right) are Eva, Barb and Kathy.  These ladies did a dynamite job weeding in the reception garden and were joined by Magda as well.  Shirley was in early and weeded in front of the Parker Education Center.  Below are Cookie (left) and Resa as they headed out to tend the North Point garden (their assigned garden).  That space is looking quite colorful and the ladies made quick work of the weeds.  Kay (next photo down) focused her tidying and weeding efforts along the path leading to the observation pier.  She not only weeded but cut back overgrown perennials and removed some as well. We're taking an aggressive approach in this area which is very warranted.  Shirley C. was in all morning to tend her area and Mary H. and Kathy P. came in this afternoon to tend their assigned garden.  The third photo down shows Myrt (left) and Gena who joined Mary and Nancy (next photo down) for weeding in both the gazebo garden and sunken garden.  They came back with plenty of debris.  Dr. Gredler was in for mowing and Stan did some significant pruning in the Japanese garden this afternoon.  Marv and Marianne stopped by to weed and water the moss island in the fern & moss garden and it looks the best it has all year!  We also saw Vern (carpentry project), Art, Bill O., Arnie D., Nancy N., Christy M. and many others today as well.  Janice was in this afternoon to work with the Chestnut House volunteers on various gardening projects.

We had a small staff today.  Cindy (half day) did some watering and spent the bulk of her time in the Nancy Yahr Memorial Children's Garden.  She continues to tweak, primp and augment the "Pollinator's Paradise" theme which is comprised primarily of our All-America Selections (AAS) winners.  Big John was a watering whirlwind as he had to run irrigation, set up sprinklers, hand water and check all containers for watering needs.  He had some other projects as well but his priority was watering.  I was able to do some watering, spray more herbicide and have organized some of our last plants for installation later this week and in to next week.  All in all, it was a super day.  More fun photos below!
'Versailles Red' cosmos (Cosmos bipinnatus) - annual
nasturtium (Tropaeolum sp.) - annual (unknown variety)
'Green Jewel' coneflower (Echinacea purpurea) - perennial
white gayfeather (Liatris spicata 'Alba') - perennial
Above is another great quote on this sign in the Thomas Jefferson Collection.  This is one of thirteen signs featuring his most popular gardening quotes.

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