Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Can't Complain About The Rain

We had more rain last night and strong winds which made the garden even damper.  However, any day that we're not out slinging hoses, running irrigation and setting up sprinklers, allows us to focus on other tasks like weeding and planting.  I haven't minded the rain overall although there was a minor mess from the storm (branches, debris, path washouts, etc.) to take care of this morning.  Above is the collection of containers in the English cottage garden.  I sure love that 'Vista Bubblegum' petunia (Supertunia series) as it has the perfect shade of pink.  We had quite a few volunteers helping out today which was much appreciated and very productive.  Below are some other photos from the gardens today.

Japanese painted fern with New Guinea impatiens (Impatiens hawkeri)
Armenian basket flower (Centaurea macrocephala) - perennial

I was pleased to see so many volunteers out in the gardens today.  Above is Magda but other grounds volunteers included Sue, Kay, Eva, Kathy, Steve, Vicky, Cookie, Resa, Joanne, Ron, Bill O., Dr. Gredler, Maury and many others.  There was a wide range of activity occurring including weeding, planting and other tasks.  I was happy to see so many weeds come back and so many plants go in the ground.  We also saw Dr. Yahr, Marsha, Kris K. and many others.  Below are just some of the smiling faces we saw today.

 Sue did a great job weeding and planting
Kay weeded and planted with Sue (she normally doesn't look that stern)
Ron attacking weeds in the woodland walk garden
Vicky & Steve planting one of three areas they tackled today
cool fountain (and Resa and Cookie in the North point garden)
Dr. Gredler mowing
Pretty Joanne with 'Pretty Belinda' yarrow (Achillea millefolium)
Kathy (left) and Eva with their weed pile (at least a good portion of it!)

The grounds staff kept busy and thankfully there was minimal watering.  Nice shot above of one of the many breadseed poppies (Papaver somniferum) in the English cottage garden.  Larry checked water features, push mowed and worked on other projects.  Cheryl did a nice job weeding multiple areas and finished the day with watering.  Big John prepared an area for planting, edged, planted and bounced between some other projects with Larry.  Pat worked on weeding along the east edge of the garden and also push mowed. Janice worked on the cutting display, planting and weeding.  I was able to set out more plants and also had some other duties associated with my new role (1st day) as interim executive director for the gardens.  We also had a reporter (Dennis) and photographer (Terry) from the Messenger at the gardens to do an article on our annual Home Garden Tour (July 12th, see our website, tickets on sale at RBG and K&W Greenery).  Wisconsin Public Television staff were also at the gardens for some filming and an interview with me.  Busy day for sure.  Below are more photographs from today.

'Pretty Belinda' yarrow (Achillea millefolium)
'Full Moon' tickseed (Coreopsis hybrida) (Big Bang Series) - perennial
Above is an awesome find by Cheryl at the gardens today.  This is the native spiny softshell turtle (based on my research) which was the size of a dinner plate.  The little pointed head is to the left but this little fella (or lady) could extend the neck well over 8"!  Really cool.

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