Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Sogginess Descends On The Gardens

The drizzle started overnight and continued well through the lunch hour today.  It was a nice, steady drizzle and a perfect soaking for the garden.  The rain certainly affected where we could work and what projects we could accomplish but it was a productive day as usual.  Above are the blooms of the American smokebush (Cotinus obovatus) which are quite showy and will have extended interest well after this pink stage as the "post peak" flowers are also wispy (like "smoke").  The fall color (orange) on this small tree is also quite impressive.  We had a small grounds staff today and did see some volunteers.  While nothing was planted today out in the muck, we did haul out plants to stage for the next three days of planting.  Hopefully rain wont put a "damper" on planting efforts tomorrow.  While I appreciated the rain, it did thwart an afternoon of potential planting with 10 volunteers from BMO Harris Bank.  Oh well.  Below are some other images from today.

Saguna 'Radiant Blue' petunia (Petunia) is one of four selections in our American Garden Award ( display for 2014 which involves visitors voting for their favorite candidate!
above is the classic 'Aureola' Hakone grass (Hakonechloa macra) looking sharp today in the rain
'Cool as a Cucumber' plantain lily (Hosta) looking cool as a cucumber
'Cosimo Collarette' cosmos (Cosmos bipinnatus) is another of our many varieties in the 2014 Cosmos Collection

Patrea (above) came in to work on more signage out in the gardens including finishing up the interpretive signs for the Thomas Jefferson Collection and getting them installed.  She did a great job and had a busy morning with plant labels as well.  Vern came in for some carpentry work and Dick H. stopped by as well to look at some of our impending and current vehicle problems.  Maury ran some errands and we also saw Dave G., Ron W., Rollie, Bob K. (with two granddaughters) and many others.  Janice stopped by to work on some projects as well.  Below are some more plant shots from today.

'Ocean's Fury' crested, hybrid painted fern (Athyrium hybrida)
variegated five-leaf aralia (Eleutherococcus sieboldianus 'Variegatus') looking nice today

The grounds staff kept busy both inside and outside today.  Cindy worked on tidying the Horticulture Center and some sign processing.  Jenny matched more labels to outgoing plants in the yard and Pat bounced between painting and outdoor projects.  Big John helped haul plants, picked up a load of plants and worked on many other tasks at the Horticulture Center.  Terry helped me haul plants, prepped containers for more aquatic plants and worked on fueling up and cleaning our vehicles among other tasks.  Above and below are just two examples of some fun plants with a long history including usage by Thomas Jefferson. 

red orach (Atriplex hortensis 'Red')

'Brown Dutch' lettuce (Lactuca sativa)

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