Friday, June 20, 2014

Plans & Preparations

Above is a wonderful hummingbird photograph taken at the garden and shared by Santos M.  Santos has captured so many great hummingbird photos (and general garden shots too!) and we appreciate his talent and willingness to share.  The orange plant is one of the annual million bells (Calibrachoa) in a hanging basket in the English cottage garden.  Oddly enough, I didn't even venture in to the gardens today.  I had a long trip this morning for a sizeable plant donation for the gardens and came back to prepare all the lists and maps for next week while I'm away at the American Public Garden Association (APGA) conference in Denver next week.  Our team of staff and volunteers is quite self-supporting while I'm gone but I do suggest some priorities as we'll need to catch up with planting and not let the weeds get too far ahead of us!  Below are more recent plant photos from the gardens.
yellow fumitory (Corydalis lutea) - perennial
'June Fever' plantain lily (Hosta) - perennial
'Hair' ornamental onion (Allium) - fall planted bulb
Mediterranean bells (Nectaroscordum siculum var. bulgaricum) just getting ready to open in to a cluster of dangling bells
variegated English elm (Ulmus procera 'Variegata')

The day started out rainy but ended up being quite sunny and sticky by the afternoon.  Big John (half day), Terry and Janice held down the fort with grounds activities like mowing, tidying up for weddings and general gardening tasks.  Shirley and Kay were in for weeding and we saw Don and Pearl tidying up their garden space.  Mary and Roy also came in to help weed in the Jungle Garden.  Both Dr. Gredler and Bill O. were in for their mowing rounds.  Ron K. weeded the woodland walk garden and planted another 30 or so perennials in that beautiful space.  Mary Ann G. was in to help Janice in the Thomas Jefferson Collection and Maury F. ran some errands for us this morning.  There were certainly many others that stopped by during the course of the day. Nice shot above of blue oat grass (Helictotrichon sempervirens 'Sapphire') with golden meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria 'Aurea') in the background.  Below are more recent shots from the gardens.

'Dipt in Wine' coleus (Solenostemon scutellarioides) - annual
'Cherry Tomato' plantain lily (Hosta) - perennial
'Diane's Gold' false forget-me-not (Brunnera macrophylla) - perennial
'Saturn' coleus (Solenostemon scutellarioides)
This is what is causing us so much grief in the gardens! While the "cotton" has mostly drifted down from the mature, female cottonwood (Populus deltoides) trees, there is still more to come and the germination is widespread and rampant everywhere!  UGH!

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