Sunday, June 15, 2014

High Five For A Great Five of Five

Our fifth of five spring Volunteer Work Days went smoothly again with much accomplished in many areas.  The Morning Rotary was hosting their annual Pie Ride at Lion's Beach which made for a congested morning in terms of travel to and from the gardens but we had a great turnout of volunteers regardless.  We planted five different areas including the front of the Parker Education Center (seen above).  We also did quite a bit of weeding as we planted with a strong focus in the reception garden for such weeding efforts.  Above is Christy Marsden, one of our volunteers and the Rock County / UW-Extension Horticulture Agent, working on purslane (Portulaca oleracea) removal. UGH.  Lots of progress though.  A big thanks again to Janice, Big John and Larry for helping facilitate the morning.  Thanks to our volunteers Christy, Del, Tina, Hal, Doris, Ron, Bev, Vera, Kim, Barb, Lee, Marilyn, Maggie, Chuck, Mary W., Roy, Eva, Gary, Keith, Jodi, Mary D., Bill O., Beth, Bonnie, Patrick, Patrick's friend and many others.  What a great day for weather too!

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