Saturday, May 31, 2014

Three of Five Complete!

Our third of five spring Volunteer Work Saturdays was successful!  We had 29 volunteers show up today and they did a great job planting the entrance garden slope with our 2014 pink theme.  All the images in the blog today were from this morning.  We planted over 10,000 annuals this morning and had a great team of helpers like Britta, seen directly below with her dad Andrew.  We finished exactly what we needed to and had time to get it all watered as well.  We hope to have a great turnout for our next two work days (June 7th and 14th, 8 am until 12 noon) as well.  Big John, Janice, Larry and Bill O. were all helpful today and Sandy C. helped out with the last day of the Spring Compost Sale.  We'll have another busy week coming up shortly.

1 comment:

  1. That is so impressive! All that work you accomplished! Think Pink.
