Thursday, May 8, 2014

Ready To Rock & Roll

We're ready for the start of the Tree Sale tomorrow (9 am - 4 pm) and the RBG Members Only Spring Plant Sale (pre-sale), also from 9 am - 4 pm.  Both sales continue Saturday and Sunday for the same hours at the Horticulture Center.  It was our busiest day yet this year with over 50 volunteers coming in over the course of the day to help prepare for both sales as well as to accomplish gardening duties.  Just some of our many helpers are featured below.  Nice shot above of some white daffodils (Narcissus) near the formal gardens this morning.  Janice kept the sale organized and on track and Jenny was a huge help as well.  Apologies in advance for those I miss but our plant sale helpers included Don, Pearl, Nancy, Gary B., Shirley, Tina, Bev W., Karen, Pat R., Doris, Magda, Joy, Bob K. and many others.  Our Grumpies included the ugly mugs seen below. From left to right are Larry H., Ron W., Ron P., Ron R. and Emmit.  The guys helped secure the tents as we've had high winds with more coming tonight.  These guys later shifted to mulching and tidying the main parking lot.  Dick P. placed memorial bricks and Maury was bouncing between many projects.  Vern, Ron Y. and Jim worked on carpentry projects while Dr. Gredler and Bill O. did their riding mowing rounds.  Eva, Kathy and Barb (new Grumpette) helped tidy multiple areas with a strong focus on the sunken garden.  Karen M. was out tidying in the Japanese garden. We also saw Kris K., Bob C., Cindy B., Jean S., Mary W., Lynda S., El, Cynthia, Pat C. and many others today.  Too many comings and goings to keep track of accurately. Further below are shots of the Golden Kiwanis members processing the trees for the sale.  The guys did a great job. 

Our grounds staff included Larry, Big John, Pat, Jenny, Janice and myself.  We all had a wide range of duties and balanced duties for the plant sale with obligations out in the gardens.  This is the annual juggling act but we're used to juggling and will focus more on spring planting out in the gardens next week once the "dust settles" after our awesome sale.

Larry H., Triple Ron's (W., P., R.) and Emmit
Don and Pearl
Shirley (left) and Joy with Tina in the back
Bob K. watering shrubs
Doris and Magda
Nancy, Doris, Gary and Magda (left to right)
members of the Blackhawk Golden Kiwanis Club processing trees (above and below)

There was no shortage of color out in the gardens.  Finally our tulips are blooming right around Mother's Day (see above) which is usually the goal with our variety selections.  In past years, they have been quite a bit earlier with warmer springs.  Our 4,000 pink tulips will be at peak for the weekend which will be perfect.  I was able to walk back through the gardens after a meeting at the Parker Education Center and captured the photos below as well.  There were many people out in the gardens and we hope for a busy weekend at the gardens including some significant action at the Spring Plant Sale and Tree Sale.

'Painted Doubles' hellebore (Helleborus)
'Jane Platt' star magnolia (Magnolia stellata)
two of twenty-five awesomely decorated Adirondack chairs featured as part of our 2014 Garden Art exhibition which also promotes our 25th Anniversary! 

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