Monday, May 19, 2014

Just Another Manic Monday

I've "aged" myself with my blog reference to the Bangles song "Manic Monday" (1986) which does indeed capture the crazy day we all had today.  There were a lot of different tasks occurring simultaneously and the grounds staff and volunteers multi-tasked splendidly.  We had a full parking lot at the Horticulture Center and immediate projects included taking down the plant sale tents, trenching in 600' of electrical service for a new fountain, putting up Giant Obelisk #2 and securing some doors in our Jungle Garden.  Lots of progress was achieved with about 30 volunteer bustling about all morning. Above is the wild hyacinth (Camassia cusickii) which is planted as a fall bulb.  This native species is one of six and the light blue is quite fetching.  Some other fun shots from today and Saturday can be seen further below.
'Valentine' bleeding heart (Dicentra spectabilis) - dark red selection!
'Orange Crest' globeflower (Trollius x cultorum)
emerging foliage of Lady In Red ninebark (Physocarpus opulifolius 'Tuilad')
Pat M. did a nice job getting the giant obelisk up today.  His involvement started way back with preparing, painting and securing the two pieces of this obelisk both inside and outside.  Above are the guys assisting Pat with assembly and ultimately getting this structure upright.  In that same area, the carpenters (seen below) of Jim, Dave, Vern and Ron Y. started hanging doors for our Jungle Garden.  You'll have to come in summer and see how this collection fills out!  Our weeding team of Shirley, Kathy, Eva and Bethany (second photo down) did a great job in the entrance garden which really needed their attention.  Our "tent takedown team" of Ron W., Ron R., Lloyd, Bob C. and Gary B. did a nice job and helped with other tasks as well including some composting.  Ron W. helped his child bride Bev (third photo down) with some weeding in the sunken garden as well.  Dick P. (fourth photo down posing with 'Pink Diamond' tulips) led his team of Dick H., Kevin and Jill with dismantling one of our brick patios out front.  We'll be converting all the block patios to concrete for accessibility and longevity.  They did a nice job and it was not easy work.  Larry worked with Bob K. and Emmett on the trenching project which ended up lasting all day with later assistance from Big John and Terry. Dr. Gredler was in for mowing and we also saw Karen (Japanese garden maintenance), Jumbo Jim, Dr. Yahr, Mary Kay T., Jason, Mike P. and many members of two committees (Horticulture Therapy and Home Garden Tour) later in the day as well. 

The grounds staff had a busy day and were incorporated in to most of the activities mentioned above.  Cindy accomplished some major shifting of plants from the greenhouses out in to some fresh air.  She also tidied the entrance garden, watered and continued with yard watering and more plant shifting.  Big John and Terry  helped haul the doors out for the carpenters, picked up/installed/watered all of our hanging baskets and helped with trenching and rototilling later in the day.  While we had a bit of rain, it didn't thwart our progress much.  Larry was involved with the trenching project most of the day but also helped with various other projects as needed.  I continue to stay busy with a wide range of tasks.  More fun plant photos below!

spring foliage of barrenwort (Epimedium x rubrum)
'Cherry Cola' coral bells (Heuchera)
'Sweet Kate' golden spiderwort (Tradescantia x andersoniana) - will have blue flowers soon!
Above are just a fraction of the plants in our yard that need a new home soon (not yours)!  Come to any and all of the next four Saturday Volunteer Workdays (Saturdays of May 24, 31, June 7, 14) from 8 am until 12 noon for some planting fun and fulfillment!  Meet at the Parker Education Center, dress for the weather and bring gardening gloves.  We'll supply the plants and donuts!

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