Sunday, May 25, 2014

70 Helping Hands

This past Saturday, May 24th, we had a very successful Volunteer Workday at the gardens.  Lily (seen above) was one of thirty-five volunteers that showed up to help us plant four garden areas.  The weather was beautiful and we so appreciate such committed volunteers which also included a group from the Mercy Health System (seen in blue t-shirts further below).  It was nice to see so many veteran volunteers as well as some new ones too!  We planted a good portion of the Jungle Garden and the reception garden.  We completed the two large flower beds along Palmer Drive in the entrance garden as well.  Janice and Big John helped facilitate the morning while Larry and Bill O. prepared the gardens for weddings, tidied up, ran irrigation, etc.  Marcia and Mirjam planted in the English cottage garden (their assigned garden area) and Jim and Carol S. helped run the Compost Sale (only one Saturday left on May 31st, 8 am - 12 noon at the Horticulture Center).  We have three more Volunteer Workdays over the next three Saturdays (8 am - 12 noon, meet at the Parker Education Center).  It was a great day with over 15,000 plants going in the ground that morning!  Some of the team efforts can be seen below.  The RBG Founder, Dr. Robert Yahr, can be seen in the bottom photo and he's never been shy about jumping right in!  :)

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