Saturday, April 12, 2014

Saturday Traffic

I went in to work this morning to meet some of our volunteer painters who graciously donated some of their weekend to help out.  Above are Bev (left) and Tammy who did a great job not only repainting these culvert pipe planters but touched up many other objects as well.  Larry and Bill were in to get our riding mowers ready and work on some other projects.  Janice came in to train our volunteer Lois for the Spring Compost Sale (8 am until 12 noon every Saturday in April and May) and we sold close to 200 bags this morning.  Pat M. helped load compost for customers but also worked on myriad other projects in between loading like painting, carpentry, etc.  Dr. Gredler came in for obelisk painting and we saw many others as well.  The Janesville Area Herb Society had their meeting at the Horticulture Center this morning and it looked like a good crowd.  This group has maintained our herb garden at RBG for many years and we look forward to their continued involvement with the gardens.  Below are Mirjam (left) and Marcia, both RBG volunteers, who came by this morning.  I took them on a mini-tour as they were interested in maintaining their own section of garden and ultimately selected the English cottage garden (where this photo was taken).  It was a busy day although after the morning rains, it turned out to be pleasant overall.

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